The term Oneness implies unity, integrality or synthesis. It can have great meaning psychologically, socially, philosophically and physically. However “Oneness” is often considered a mere abstraction or a weak idea in the face of division, separation and disintegration.
The 6 main faculties of self – Spirit – peace freedom and unity of being , Light – conscious measure and speech intelligence , Soul – Love- balancing harmonizing direction Power – will, sense , instinct and vitality, Action – executive practicality, Matter – our physical body and world – are all one ….yet in our divided awareness and energy are quite often dissociated, separated, not synchronized and not unified.
We have forgotten Oneness and we are too serious in our separation. We need rather to be playful, inclusive and comprehensive, exploring partnerships between these six aspects of self and their simultaneous workings.
We can identify, reclaim and abide in it through a practice we call MudrAsana. Bodily posture, position, gesture, movement, stillness, form, force, spaciousness, fluidity, breath, attitude, intention, relation with what surrounds and with other bodies, become in MudrAsana, the very life, the chamber and shrine of wellness, health and happiness in balance and completeness.
I myself whether wide open, happy and all connected or separate in whatever distress… I am in the midst of all the six aspects of myself, Spirit, Light, Love, Power, Action, and Matter. The Merkava, chariot or vehicle of “the conscious-energy Self ”, is around me, near and far, extending into my body’s structures substance and mass.
Merkava Activation
The conscious-energy of the Self… The Merkava, or chariot of intent, is an ancient mystical perspective and a practice which makes real to us the holographic matrix of our being, simple and complex.
It can be accessed and utilized to restore, build, support a “glorious body” radiant, whole, concentrated, physical, and free.
The Conscious – Energy Self
~Directly above is Spirit
Silent, Infinite, Vast, Formless, Still
~In front above on the right is Light
Wisdom, Knowledge, Information, Illumination, Intuition, Ideas, Brightness
~Behind above at the left is Love
Harmony, Creativity, Passion, Attraction, Friend-ship, Family, Communion
~Below at the left behind is Power
Challenging, Concentrated, Radiant, Profound, Intense, Stimulating
~Below in front on the right is Action
Utility, Tasks, Deeds, Productions, Structures, Leadership
~Directly below is Matter
Densely, Physical, Soft, Solid, Layered, Structured, Textured and Still
MudrAsana, The activation of the Merkava, integrates a wide range of methods
Integral Yoga
Understanding and experiencing Oneness within myself : mind, heart and body, in society and world, is the perspective and the method of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga and the basis of MudrAsana. Oneness is wholly perceived through the depths of my Soul, Mind, Life and Body and from the silent expanses of my Spirit.
There is awareness in the body in the three Doshas (imbalancing tendencies in nature)
Pitta – Agitation of heart
Kapha – Dullness of body
There is awareness in the body of the play of the three Gunas:
Consciousness or Luminosity is Above
Energy or Intensity is Within and Around
Substance or Density is Below
There is awareness in the body of the 5 elements
Space: Empty, wide, still
Air: Outward moving
Fire: Forceful
Water: Inward flowing
Earth: Solid
We study the science and art of Receiving, Containing, and Radiating. Awareness through the body of the 7 principle levels (the seven chakras)
We observe and distinguish in ourselves the essential Truth of Being, “Siva”, and manifest Reality of Becoming, “Sakti”.
In the tantric perspective, the two, Truth and Reality play inwardly and outwardly as one.
Central in the tradition of Kabalah is breathing the unity of Light-Love-Power-Utility, called Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey
Light – Yod
Love – Hey
Power – Vav
Utility – Hey
Emanation (Light)
Creation (Love)
Formation (Power)
Action (Utility)
Through the fourfold breath we connect to the Four Worlds on the Tree of Life
Emanation (Light),
Creation (Love),
Formation (Power),
Action (Utility),
And so, the Merkavah, or Chariot of Intent is activated.